Black Beast or Moji?

Well not everybody has the option to use moji as a bronzeshell… and that really shouldn’t be a thing, as he is supposed to be an amzing support, not hinder you… motor and tinker are bad enough, I don’t want more strategies like it. 

Why does moji gets link stun flash? Hes a monster thats designed to move everywhere arround your team with his exit plan roaring entrance… giving him a link skill sounds pretty unreliable

Where is moji and black beast in the game

You need to talk to the guy in Viridian City. When he asks you if you know how to catch a NeoMon, say “no.” Then after his little deal, fly to Cinnabar Island and surf on the coast.
You’ll encounter it eventually.


I do not understand.

You must surf on the east coast of cinnabar island. This is a very important detail

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