Best way to rank up

I’m rank 184 and reward for rank 185 is 30 gems. Do you think it’s possibile for me to rank up in 6 days, before donrilla’s egg expires? If yes, what is the Best way? I need around 135000 exp points and i’ve already completed the last scb. Thank you in advance!

Most exp for your tickets: chapter 4 last shadow mission (9ish tickets for around 2000 exp)
Quickest way to drain exp for decent amount of exp: hell mode delugazar battle (50 tickets for 9240)
A bit slower than hell mode but still fast: Normal mode delugazar battle

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Ok thank you! Are there any fast way to beat delugazar? Otherwise i will try fourth chapter’s battle.

Use blazebones revolutionize to flip BBs health and kill him easily

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Seems quick, ty!