Balancion's trials which monster

Which of this time’s balancion trials monster reward is better? The silver one on left or the orange one in right?

One has shield the other has hg

What are their names dogtooth ? I’ll check them out in wikia

What are their names sir?

Bronzoid and Cd’snutsroid


Aluminoid and Bronzoid right? Interested to know in what instances one of these is better than the other. As mentioned above, Aluminoid has shield entrance and Bronzoid has HG. 6 of one, half dozen of another? I feel like the shield entrance is slightly more useful.

Since Poison doesn’t remove shield on the first tick (*cough @Dev_VKC) I would say that aluminoid is more useful

Bronz is great in fl. The other is better if it is not in fl.

@Bryan_Tiah I closed your thread because there is the same discussion here.

Personally I will be picking the one with shield entrance, Aluminoid which is the one on the left. Here are the pros cons of each…


  • (pro) It can be used on the front line.
  • (pro) It can be healed off hold ground to survive extra hits.
  • (pro) It can be combined with Dusicyon to have both hold ground AND a shield.
  • (con) It can be used by the opponent to more easily charge blood moves (e.g. bloodfury).
  • (con) The hold ground is sometimes barely an issue for the opponent because they have a fast move to kill it (e.g. finishing snap).
  • (con) If it dies to poison then the next monster enters further back because it enters as the next monster gets a turn, rather than when the bronzoid was hit.


  • (pro) Auto-poison / poison gas doesn’t remove the shield until 1 second after the next monster’s turn.
  • (pro) Poison touch/storm/etc. won’t have a chance to kill it because the damage hits the shield.
  • (pro) It doesn’t come with all the cons Bronzoid does.
  • (con) It can’t be used in the front line.

Ultimately I think Aluminoid wins. It’s better against poison. However, Bronzoid can be used in the front line and works well with Dusicyon.

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Thanks for the info!

You forget that poison touch can’t kill a fully trained rock

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Yes I realised when writing which is why I made the wording “won’t have a CHANCE to kill it”. I’m not sure if poison storm can but there are other moves which deal damage + poison like venom protector killer or any move from Tagosenshi.