Balancion SE Rewards

So is anyone else disappointed that the 2 rewards for SEs with Balancion Trials are just recycled SEs we’ve gotten already this past year, and in PvP no less where they already probably got bonuses from it? Maybe it’s just me, but I was extremely let down to see two more Abyss Soldiers get recycled for rewards with this event. We still havent gotten that Alien Kid thing and I figured it would probably be him and/or another Limited or hard to obtain SE, but it’s the same old recycled stuff.



@Dev_VKC Give us Jackal as an reward please. Or even Cobra. Been trying to get them for over 2 years.:sweat_smile:


I’d be happy with those two. I want Botanic :slight_smile:

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Yes Botanic plzzz

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Dev if you want to give abyssoldiers give the good ones like Fokus, Boison, the one with excessive force or give SE like botanic, freezecobra, ahuizard, megalo

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Give US a New titty Monster :joy:


Honestly I think the only ones I’m missing are Poward, Myst, and Fokus

What about putting back the exp reward on hell mode to 10k exp? I have no idea why it was lowered when a single level after 285 requires more than a million exp and increases like 300k each lvl


I came back to this game after one year break so I don’t have the featured monsters ;I’m happy with the rewards.

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I opened a thread about this 2 weeks ago seems like our opinions are not important


Or make new SE’s. Extra flutters :heart_eyes:


Legendary flutter

No because then I won’t get one :joy::joy: get some more colours though! Flutter brown, black etc


Seems like everyone wants these:
Jacka(something like that)
AS Breaker
AS Fokus
some people also want Ahuizard and Lavamane

Balancion’s Trials never has new monsters, it’s previously released SEs for all newer/weaker players to get. PvP monsters don’t get given to everyone, just the top 1000, so many of the players targeted by this event will not have the monsters released in PvP.

As for featuring monsters that many experienced players have missed somewhere (in a break or before their time), that’s for other events to do.

All of those you mention are in the rare egg already except for Lavamane and Botanic. Botanic was recently removed when they added Gryphking to both egg pools (maybe to stop easy access to the mortar GT loop).

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I didn’t know AS fokus is in the rare.

Fokus and Breaker are in the rare egg, Boison and Laker are in the normal egg. They have been ever since Abyssoldiers first came to the game

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Thank you for the feedbacks guys.

Please understand that we only give out new monster in certain events such as Ultimate Challenge, Island Challenge and PvP.

The revival event monsters in other events are for the new users or the players who missed them previously, but there are exceptions at times with brand new event monsters like anniversary Dungeon event, the first Garcia’s Game of Hordes and Mythic Arena.

Some super epics are egg only. They are Volcaiga, Botanic, Fluffydra, Nereida, Reapolantern etc… Therefore, they will not be featured in any special event.

For the revival event monsters, we usually rerun them based on the time they last released. And it happens to be Abyssoldiers. Please give them some love.

By the way, Ahuizard is coming soon.


Well i just gonna said it i love you man :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Yay I am no longer very slightly irritated