
I have got space for 2 of the 4 in my PVP team, could do with some help as to which 2 to pick…
Sorry if I should go to FAQ or another section just felt it was a little random lol
Cheers for help :slight_smile:

I prefer Pegasion and Anubis; Luxnight is useless for any strategy, he can only attack and I don’t know Astroleon’s moves

Luxknight is one of the best holy arks; however, he’s only good if you plan on needing an offensive ark. He’s somewhat tanky for a holy ark and can easily get a few hits in before being killed by a large majority of any arks. Astroleon is too weak to consider, despite being one of my favorite arks. If you need a shield and healer, Anubis will be your best bet. Pegasion is also squishy, but the send back ability comes in handy it you’ve been scrambled, with which the current metagame, I’d say you have a 50-50 chance of that happening, due to all the army x lineups (and fear of stunners as well).

Your not even going to consider Halopard?

It becomes about as bulky with Reinforce, and Haste helps out a lot. Combine him and Anubis and make Anubis a nasty tank with a hasted, boosted Ally Holy!

Ally holy is actually dreadful IMO… I was scrambled and ended up having Astro/lux/Anubis out, I used ally holy, and it was still dreadful.
It’s useless… Completely ! Lol

That’s because Anubis is not meant to be used for attacking.