Assisted Thunder

What’s the best monsters for an assisted thunder front line? I feel like I have some of them, just want to know who everybody else uses.

Godfeather and Raptorex are the only two that have that move I think, so that’s somewhere to start. Also Zephyrox, Armavolt, Thordragon, Galvbane, Skyther, typhondragon and Blitzdragon I would assume.

I use Godfeather, Zephyrox, Galvbane, Armavolt as frontline.
Use Galvbane’s stun pulse to stun problematic monsters.

I used godfeather, zephy, velo and galvbane into armavolt as 5 and cyber as 6. The stunning entrance healer as 7.

Velo in 5

You basically have to have zephy and godfeather, everuthing else is preference as long as they’re the right element

Thank you for all the feedback guys.

which mon do u mean with para?

I figured he meant parasardon I think. That 2 star dinosaur with assisted thunder


If you have it leogeist is amazing in the frontline.

Unfortunately I don’t. What about Goldtail?

The tough thing there is that assisted thunder is aoe and potent sleep won’t be very effective unless you’re sleeping the monsters after you use assisted and dreamhunting before you use assisted again, which could get messed up with team turn. You also have to have a protector to keep your goldtail alive, which makes two of your 4 monsters weak to a twinkiller.

Frost island 2 star mon electric with move set - assist thund, knockback - accelerate team &… Something

hey cool it thunder remus :slight_smile:

Stats if you wondered, had it up my sleeve for the first pvp event hehe

Went looking for it when I faced Remus

I really like when those lowcost mons are used! Catched it :stuck_out_tongue:

A monster I used that I haven’t seen anyone else use is sparkgeist. He is fast and goes before godfeather and has enrage so you can boost other monsters attack. I stopped using thunder now so thought I would share it

Is it a catchable monster or egg monster?

Catchable it’s a 2 star But I’m Not sure where it is