Apple may kill Game Center in iOS 8

Apple May Abandon Game Center in iOS 8


What are your reasons for thinking this might be a good idea? I personally don’t have an opinion at the moment. I think it has it’s pros and cons. 

It’s just such a huge pain to deal with.

I hate having to log into it every time I open one of my game apps.

It’s hands down, one of the most annoying, useless apps out there

It’s like buying one of those battery saved apps that just drains your battery

Except this one is mandatory. 

but GC lets us connect to players around the world!

I’ve never once had to do this. It’s always remained logged in for me.

I agree it needs some improvements, but ditching it altogether may not be the best option. This will only negatively affect apps that rely on it for leaderboards etc. At least until when/if the apps get their own leaderboards built in, but again this will require extra work from developers. 

I’m no iOS developer (like Ashley XD), so I have very little experience with Game Center, but is it used for match ups, or can it be? I would think not, but it if is then a lot of apps, like hunter island for example, will be very badly affected. There would be no PvP until an update gets sorted.

I have never had to log in either to be honest. I only have to do it once whenever I update my phone.

Also yeah, doesn’t it make it easier on the developers? It makes it so we can connect with people and what not.

Not necessarily

I think the only downside to this is that you can’t see what your friends are playing.

It doesn’t say anything about getting rid of the servers and that leaderboards and such would end up on the games (as they should).

I really dont think they should abandon it but it doesnt affect me because im never getting ios 8 on my devices, and i never could afford one with it on it lol but seriously? Get rid of game center! I have to log into it often and it does become a chore but still… Thats a little extreme because then we cant have friends play with us on our apps :frowning:

Well, we would have to add our friends in every single game which would suck imo because what if you cant see that friend for a while? You can still play games with them on game center, and it would make it alot harder for devs i would think because they have to code all the things people need to add friends

I imagine the apps will have to code something in order to make up for not being able to see your friends on GC anymore and I doubt it would be that hard

Plus, it would probably be ten times more consistent than GC ever was

AND I imagine they’ll be able to fix the percentage problem we have on this game!

It’s so stupidly beneficial to everyone here and who plays on iOS.

Okay, so here’s where I state some of the pros and cons of losing the horrific GC.


  1. The percent problem for completion will be (or should be, theoretically) fixed.

  2. There will (should) be more connectivity stability when playing PvP.

  3. PvP will most likely have to become server sided, meaning that hacking PvP or aspects of it could become much more difficult.


  1. Hackers still exist. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

  2. Losing the GC means that the devs will have to completely recode PvP (or so I’d imagine) so that it would not be based off matching via GC. This could be a long fix.

  3. With the possible recoding, it could bring into view new glitches and bugs and set back the whole point of the current update with PvP fixes (save for nerfs/buffs).

Now, these are only a few of the pros/cons. I’m sure there are many more. But it’s a bittersweet loss/gain.

Currently, developers have to code their apps to make them work with Game Center. If they do this, it will work probably the same way. They’re probably only looking at a different implementation of the same thing. That is, without having a separate app for it.