Anyone know how to beat this boss

Anyone know how to beat this boss? Been stuck for awhile? I’ve tried grinding levels, I’ve tried different compositions, any help would be appreciated

This is the current team I’m trying

Lol restart the game get a ssr

Well other than that any other options. Since I’m not restarting.

Mmmh go back in a zone to farm exp for your weapon and character

help on how to beat with my team? i tried different lineup but he one shots everything except my SSR

Yeah I was able to beat it now on the final boss who has despair skin. What a pain

The way I beat him was I had three stun absorbers in my team that I trained up. The fast he stuns every time you hit him was tough.

Train the wolf you have at level 17 up he’s very powerful once maxed for only a rare

This was my lineup and he was VERY easy with my stealth attacker who dealt close to 7k every hit. The pain healers kept everyone else alive and building spirit. Sleep works too.

Any advice on how I could beat him with this team? I get SO close every time (I’m talking one more hit would beat him), but he always kills me before then.

Stun absorber and mysha in front with a protector, stealth the stun absorb. Easy win.