Any tips to rank up?

What is the best way to rank up? Thanks

Online mission chapter 4 shadow realm final battle. That’s the most XP per ticket.

WA it’s really slow. Unless balancion trials come and you can do hell mode. That’s 50k exp per day!

I farm Chapter 7, Ancient Cave, Battle 2 (21 tickets, 5000xp) for 238 xp per ticket. It’s the most efficient battle in terms of speed (one battle), ticket use, and xp given for my playing habits.

There are other ones that are technically more efficient (ch. 4, Shadow, battle 5; 9 tickets; 271 xp per ticket). I don’t necessarily always have enough play time to do ~15 battles, so I group them up into 21 ticket battles. Makes it faster and not feel like such a grind.

Another good one if you want to drop your tickets quickly is the pyramid ingredients mission. 30 tickets per time and one very quick fight, giving 4000xp. That’s only 133xp per ticket (half optimal) but it’s super fast and you farm ingredients while you do it, specifically the Cryptamid.

Just the tip:

Play Hell Mode on Balancion Trials, you get a crazy amount of XP for how easy the battles are

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And if you play hellahell mode you get 75,000xp. But to access it you have to go to the wreckage on cursed island and move the truck. The portal is under it.

That IS a joke right?

:joy::joy::joy: @Boiler

@Superman37891 that was just the tip.

Amirite? @Boiler