Any personal review ?

Some his this ark anygood ? Wanna read some of you guy reviews

I don’t have one yet but according to the Hunter Island Wiki, it’s final evolution (Greenking) is an 8.5 star monster which is pretty good. Where did you find the Greenmane?

Wiki is up? And its a pvp award , & hmmm okay thanks

Oh yeah, the wiki is up but it still has a long way to go before it is finished.

Ohh ok thankyou

 Yep we’re working on the wiki so anyone feeling like giving a hand is welcome !

The sooner it’s complete the better :smiley:

its not very good, its rend is somewhat decent 

and lets not forget about your IAP S ranks in the background

Ohh okay & lmfaooo pathetic , just so you know , on the right those are oblings xD …