Another glitch

Steelcroc seems to be unaware of this little thing called personal space.
And, thought I might ask, can anyone help me decide who to use my 3 super potions on? The 8 in the roster are the ones I’ve narrowed it down to.(tezladragon is the one being stacked on.) Lux already has a +1 bonus.

Gearcroc gets risky heal. I +9ed him.

I would say alpha for sure.

You can reproduce that bug with any monster just by moving one on top of the other really fast.

Alpha bc it can fit with any team and is a decently strong and defensible blood craver esp when it has less TU

I’d actually say lux just because timestrikers actually benefit from the +, gearhound/croc are good options but don’t necessarily need it.

Good suggestions, I actually was very intrigued by carnofrost, since he could unfriend them, and then quickly be ready to start knocking back. I’ll consider them, though.

Carnofront is on facebook?

that’s what I like to say when I drop bronzeshells on them.  :smiley: