advisory corner

1, when there is only 1 slot team left, who should I use between Nultron, Malwing, and Glaciron?
2, between icefang and shineid Tridakhan who should I buy.
3, Which shiny is best for pvp today

If you have good link fire mons shiny kami might be worth a shot. Not sure about the other questions.

1st glaciahorn in my opinion
2nd icefang without any doubt
3rd Kami if you have a great fire link

since we give advise ill get 12 tickets and I am thinking of getting the folcosaurus or ankoudragon.I already got duscy,goldtail,atra,auro.

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Considering the time you’ve played it’s unbelievable you have all of those. I just spent 12 tickets on Dusicyon a few days ago. I still don’t have Gold or Auro. Have been playing for over 3 years.

Should have followed the example of Kocowind and quit.


he’s so damn lucky it’s annoying I played sporadically for the first year and a half of the game and rejoined september last year and he has considerably more mons than me.

I’m sorry if I make you guys annoyed by my luck but I play every event at full and get all rewards in pvp too and almost only spend on festivals but I understand that I have some crazy luck and I also felt that the game was unfair some times and considered quiting the game a few times.I didn’t wanted to rub my luck in your faces .Sory .We have to not lose hope I’m sure you guys too have lots of good monsters that many would be jealous to have.Don’t loose hope :kissing_heart:


Malwing. It’s a reversal mon. If they have a stun absorber chances are the game is now 2 vs 4 with one sleeping and one stunned out of the game. Either that or you successfully stun. Put it near something to clear stun counters/ converters

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I don’t have them either :sweat_smile:

I’m not annoyed about other players’ luck. Just about my bad luck. When I see some posts here it just seems so unfair I can never have the same luck with getting awesome legends. But that’s how it is I guess. I’m also to blame because I’ve not always been the most efficient in my gem spending. Too many single rolls done when angry and desperate :sweat_smile:

That being said I’ve had the privilege of hatching a few awesome ones like Shiva, Gear and Atra that have helped me loads in completing events I probably would have failed without them.


I waste too many gems on special eggs and I also get lucky from time to time.