A bit help regarding bonus potions for a newbie!

Hello guys,
I have been playing this game for two weeks now. Although this is my first post here in this forum, but actually I’ve been following it ever since I started the game. Also received some very worthy suggestions on how to get moalith and it did the trick for me! So I was just wondering to bonus up my Galvboss to +9 before I make him Galvbane! But unfortunately, I can’t seem to find anyplace or any challenge where I can get epic potions as reward even. So a bit of help as to where I can get epic and super epic potions would be immensely helpful.
Thanks a bunch.

Potions are given only during events , such as of now, .island challenge is ON, it has 2 epic, super epic & legend potions for you to claim.

And don’t give your glavboss super epic potions ,
Before evolving it give it 9 epic potions,

Those 9 potions will carry through when it gets evolved, and your galvboss will be +9,

Yeah it’s too tempting to evolve him now lol. But I guess I’ll wait for him to get +9. Currently he’s at +2. Anyway thanks a lot dude.

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You’ll gather them slowly as you do the limited-time events. Most events have 2 of each potion in them. Since you’ve only been playing a couple of weeks you haven’t seen much other than the current events. Whale’s Treasure is a weird one because you choose the rewards, hence picking better stuff than epic potions. Island Challenge has 2 and Game of Horses which starts on Monday will have 2 more. PvP starts on Monday too and no idea what the rewards are like because the format is changing but there are bound to be some there as well.

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Yeah the Island Challenge helped much. Obtained 2 epic and 1 super epic potion so far! Also the first event I got was Ultimate challenge iirc. I participated for just one battle in that and that was way tougher for me since I didn’t know about any strategy back then. Honestly I thought, events are not for me lol. But I am doing fine so far in the island challenge, pretty much to my surprise!

Right at the beginning your monsters are useless for online events because they all need training and such. Once you’ve played a few weeks, evolved some monsters and got some via monster hunting then you can begin doing the early stages of online content. Island Challenge is a good one for beginners because it doesn’t use your own monsters but it’s difficult to go far because you don’t know all the monster movesets or the winning strategies.

I recommend saving up 50 gems at a time and preferably waiting for eggs that give a guaranteed legendary in the first 10-pack. It’ll be obvious when one of those comes along. The game’s 3rd anniversary is happening towards the end of October and we’re bound to have that deal offered then! Ultimately what you’ll need to progress far in events is a few legendaries and a small pool of super epics, all of which you’ll get over time with gems.

Try to rush to chapter 4 of the online story. At that point you get the best exp for your tickets so it will be your place to farm exp for hero rank. I’d recommend you only do one new mission per day from there on because the game gives you double exp on the newest mission which resets every 24hrs.

P.S. Sorry if these tips are too newbie for you, don’t know what stage you’re at.

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Haha don’t worry it’s completely okay though. Currently I’m at Hero Rank 40. Got 2 legendaries Noxar and Orbling which I was lucky enough to hatch! And a good bunch of super epics. All from either egg hatch or those that are available in game like Lunalord Sunlord and stuff. Got Leoronix from completing Rookie missions. Yeah the tip about saving gems should help. I’m pretty much always excited to hatch a new egg once I save 5 gems lmao! And about Island Challenge, I managed to beat level 200 and got the legendary potion too! Right now I’m considering whether I should feed it to Orbling or just wait for another Legend in case I be lucky enough. Any suggestions on that? The moveset on Orbling looks appealing though honestly.

Orbling is a monster focused around killing with low TU moves and gets stun immunity. Typically these monsters are great to use potions on because they’re all about the rate they can kill. However, Orbling is one of the worst sweepers of this type in the game sadly. Reason being… protector and sleep killer typically don’t do enough damage to kill things outside of PvP (because most enemies are buffed a bit) and you need two kills before bloodthirst does enough damage for one-shots. If I were you I’d wait to see what you get over the next 1-2 months and then decide which monster you’d like to potion most.

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Ah that’s a shame! Yeah saving the legendary potions up would be good in that case. Thanks a lot man. Appreciate your help all throughout.