5. Gatekeeper

How did u handle the 5. Gatekeeper?
What frontline did u use? And what did you do with bane?

What I did last time was kept armavolt alive but asleep so he didn’t use protect teammate then when bane came in he used purify then I sleep locked again

I stuck at 5th.
all is going well and then bane entrances…

What strategy are you using

I did stun + death sentence.

But it’s pretty simple with polareon if you take care that banes poison entrance kills his other teammates. Then dragaia follows. Sleep dragaia, stun bane, dragaia with polareon to 1hp and finish, wait for death sentence.

If you don’t have polareon you probably need to stun the whole enemy side.

edit: well, I was too late. According to the rankings you were already successfull.

Finally pass the 5.gatekeeper almost losr ir

I did it… 6th will be to much i think.

Congrats. I really took a day to just finish 500

Finally my first time fiishing 600. I m out for the rest of the uc.