300 gem deals

This is the first time I’ve made it to 800 gems(by putting 500 in shrine), since I don’t have any 300 gem banner monsters, should go for 300 gem banner or just open 8 normal gem packs? Can anyone provide any advice on what to do?

What kind of content do you play? If I was you I would probably roll for Doomgoo if you don’t have it yet, it’s one of those legendaries that makes the game a lot easier for you. Also the mythic on that banner, Momo, is very strong.


Thanks for the advice! I have bought normal gem packs before and i have got petallion, sobeking, glorinex, tardiguard and dark fishsoldier so i poision by poison gas and then use poison eater

Doomgoo fits into any team. Another legendary to look for in the future is Novadrake.

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Thanks I’ll be looking out for it! Opened 6 packs and ended up getting momo and doomgoo twice, plus got albicub from rare egg


Oh wow, that was fantastic luck!

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U are Super lucky
I rolled 1800gems for doomgoo and ended for awakened momo wich i didnt had and got 2 more copys of it and doomgoo never showed
Some may say i got lucky but doomgoo whould make me more happy than momo tbh

beginner’s luck i guess!

hi again, this time i got 971 gems! Should i go for festival egg or one of the 300 gem deals?(or any other banner)

If you don’t have any legendaries from the festival banner, the G.F. -monsters especially are good for PvP. The new legendary is a bit meh. The new mythic is good. I would go for the festival banner now because you have the best odds there.

Make sure to leave 500 gems for the next shrine! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hahaha exu , u shouldn’t be giving this advice :crazy_face::crazy_face:

Sorry for constantly bothering you, but thanks for helping me out! Got 3 sunflower, 2 violet, 1 kunomi and 1 tenguko(saved 650 gems for future)


I know man, today I was left at 485 after I did the first two shrines and had to play a bit of PvP to reach 500 :joy: I don’t want others to make this mistake