Who plays CoC= Clash of Clans

Who plays CoC and if u do put your username and your clan

Kershy1985 and I’m in CNB. I’m in the crystal 3 league.


I’m crystal468 and only just started so in silver league 3 ATM

PREDleader, started a few weeks ago never got a clan. :u

I’m hardcore in that game.

Up to TH 9 and a co leader in a pretty decent clan

The Feared 2.0
Zen Masters
Probably gonna quit because my first file broke, had to start over and it’s really boring D:


New clan now, no ones allowed though -__-



We should make a hunter island clash if clans clan

I’m good with my clan

Put too much sweat, blood and tears into the thing to split.


I have two accounts

one called You, just for trolls- TH lvl 7

and another account called Franke528 TH lvl 9

both accounts in a clan called The King Elites

My clan is for CMS only, my school :confused:

My clan, well I’m a leader in it. Its full though so I dont wanna kick… Im lvl 64 I think, th 8, and not doing bad. I’m in silver 1 (farming) and er, well I have a crappy clan but I do have a few decent people. We are trying to grow, and lately have been doing better


Kitty what’s ur clan name? I might join if I can…no good clans anymore out there…atleast where I’ve looked…

I just dont wanna kick people, and it kinda is a private clan. I would let you in but we are usually full

If we have space then I will tell ya

Master, what’s your trophy count, TH level and average level of your troops?

I’m farming, have 1320-ish. TH 8, highest troop is 4, which is archers,barbs,giants…
My profile isn’t that good but it can stay in gold until it gets better :smiley:

Do me a favor.

Get yourself up to 1600 trophies

You’re kinda what we’re looking for in our clan