When’s the next big festival

Am currently storing my gems and rare gems. Anyone has any idea when’s the next festival? :crazy_face:

I’d like to know too! I’ve always just cashed in at 50 gems and for the first time i’m saving! Anyone know?

Maybe next month imo.

4th of July next month.

It’s an American holiday commemorating our historic upset over Great Britain, the most powerful nation in the world at the time.


Teddy Swolesevelt approves @NMEGaryOak


Last year there was no festival for 4th of July I thought? All the Americans were expecting it for weeks before but nothing happened.

I think a festival is due in 3 weeks. Next week is a boosted chance festival (1.5x legendaries and super epics), maybe with a new monster, then another special egg before a festival with guaranteed 1st and 3rd. They don’t have a strict schedule though.

Its funny how all americans think they re the most important Nation of the world😂
just because there is a day where a Nation like usa (Which commited a huge genocide to found their Nation) clebrate something, u should Not think that there will be a Festival :joy::joy::joy:

prob mid july with upcoming update
i think mod gary only make a joke, take it easy man xD

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I also think the next festival will come with the update

Maybe a festival should start on July 5th, just to spite the Americans :wink:

@Moking Always take what GaryOak says with a pinch of salt, he’s very rarely serious about anything. I agree Americans can sometimes get so used to games and stuff being American that they assume they’ll all celebrate July 4th but it’s their own lookout if they want to set themselves up for disappointment (as they did last year). Almost all countries have a history of bloodshed of some sort.

Personally I think the game should have a couple of festivals on Japanese national days. Their “golden week” would be a good one to do. A bit of authenticity once a year would be nice.

P.S. I want a festival with loads of holy monsters on Diwali, just one year :wink:

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We’re building a wall to keep you out, specifically



in that case why not on eid??:wink::wink::wink:

Wait, what other countries are there besides the US? I thought once I got to the ocean there was nothing but dragons and monsters.


this is my favorite comment I’ve read in over two years of being on this forum.

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Thank you. This means a lot coming from you :pray:

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Bravo man. The picture, the context, it all just works beautifully. Well played all around

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I can vouch for this everything here wants to kill you plus many think my area doesn’t

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Haha Lochi bro we know you’re a paid actor to make us all think Australia exists. But that’s impossible since it would fall off the bottom of our very flat earth.


Well if Australia doesn’t exist, then how do you explain my existence?


Also paid actor. @ILAGaLOT already let the cat out of therr bag :joy::joy: