What's the best Monster here in NM

Who’s the best? Is it The Godfather? Necrowing?

Don’t start a fight :stuck_out_tongue:

Dragaia has marginally better stats than godfeather and both are obviously best for endgame with last bite. Otherwise, night rider with desperate all and last stand is awesome too but my favourite has to be either rexo or warcA… Rexo is probably the best given blood fury as long as you surround with the right monsters

I will go with Draiga but everything depends on the situation, I choose draiga because his only requeriment to get on a killing spree is to be the last one alive and that can be archive without a problem or strategy (Is even easier if you use a friend Draiga since you can summon him when you want to)

It really depends, but I think the last biters are generally the best. Among the 2 last biters though I think godfeather is better because it doesn’t lose to any of its counters (poison eaters). Dragaia however loses to flarevern in a 1v1 situation because flarevern can live a last bite and KO back with a poison eater. You could bring up the argument that godfeather loses to dragaia 1v1 but bringing a fight to a 1v1 situation is all about strategy and usually that wouldn’t happen.

Rexo is the best imo. I dont have a last biter but they are easy to counter, just kill him first where as rexo with timestrike and bloodfury is harder to deal with if you have a protect and stealth team mate combo

Last biters wouldn’t be so easy to kill off either if you also provide support to them, in fact they require much less support since all they need is a cleric. As I said before, it still depends on a lot of things. The one thing that makes a last biter special is that they are the only ones that could sweep entire teams by themselves (or a very large portion of it). I have won so many matches while being behind by 6+ mons (one time even 10 mons behind) just because of last bite. I don’t think any other mon is capable of that.

Imma have to choose rexo blood fury is too good especially if u got monsters with give turn he can go on a rampage and sweep entire teams…last biters are good too but blood fury is better imo

Best way to beat last biters is to kill them first while they still have monsters on the team poison is the best way to kill them atleast to negate hold ground, but if last biters were smart sacrifice summon follow up with retreat pretty much guarantees last bite especially with dragaia with his assisted move

Another way to counter last bite would be to just skip your turn for your mons, then hammer him with whatever you got, provided you have 4 or more mons left.

Or just use a blood monster to save

Rhynobrawl ftw


There is no best monster it depends on your team
But if I had to choose mine would be warca if it gets its novablast off its bloodthirst ohk all opponents except ones with hold on
Followed closely by nightrider can cripple chapter 5 final boss with him using only my front team