What mythic did you choose from shop and care to share the reasons

Ah, thanks… Also
Which would you pick between the two if you had to make the choice? If you could give me your reason as well, I’d appreciate it

Husking is great for stun and suikenshi is worth getting if you plan on trying to awaken it in the future. I don’t recommend buying kuromasa


I have seen lot of people use kuromasa with utopian. If you have utopian, get kuromasa otherwise Huskie is great choice.


Get a voidress/suikenshi or brutalaxe
Also huskie


Is Kuromasa that bad?
He seems like a beast with double catapult and HG

The only problem is he is slow. If he gets a turn or two, enemy is done.

Fair enough… So would you say that in the current meta, Husking outclasses Arachna and Kuro?

Stun is great.

You guys should all follow @Dane ’s advice and get deerdragon


By far.
Huskie is among the top stunners.
And stun is best.
Juat make a stun team and you will see your wr going wild

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Which one is better for pve?
Huskegon 2nd form .
Plumisilisk 1st form.
Plumisilisk 2nd form.
Or should I pick any other with neo ticket.

Huskegon is the best, among those options.
But I would pick something else.


Do you have any +6 mythic?

I have aurodragon, hanzowolf. So I was thinking of getting Sui, but his second form damage is very low in pve.

I would tell you to get Vainess. Ritual VI + Auro is a good combo.

Right. Lol idk why I didn’t think about vainess at all. Thanks.

There is one strategy which is quite good revolving around Kuromasa

It requires:

a Token (possibly a Rockoid)
Grizzleguard (in 5th)

Basically, the plan is to use Gift Exchange with Frostmoroz and sacrifice Rockoid.
Grizzleguard will enter the field and give turn to one of the three remaining monsters.

If Kuromasa gets a turn, then use Double Catapult
If Utopion gets a turn, Healing Give Turn to Kuromasa and then Double Catapult
If Frostmoroz gets a turn, use Call For Vengeance to give turn to Kuromasa first and then Utopion. Kuromasa will use Double Catapult, then Utopion will Healing Give Turn him so that he can use it again.

Using a Rockoid in FL is particularly effective due to the fact Call For Vengeance activates after an ally dies. Frostmoroz is 57% speed so it’s best to put a token AP, that’s most likely to die anyway.

Also make sure to make sure your following monsters can help you catch up in case you stumble upon a counter in FL (e.g. Megalodragon or Padrinorca). Monsters like Icefang, Musashoid or even, why not, Capybaragon, which can slow down the enemy’s sweeping.


I remember getting caught by same fl.
I always thought it was his own strtegy. Sad life
I respected a copy cat.
Also another good fl with brutal is what @Alvarez runs. It’s pretty good if your opp doesn’t have a really fast stun killer(s fox) or chrono killer. A mortar gt spam with gryph. U can even use that with gandalfrog/gryph/aura/aegis or utopian
I used it oj pve and worked great. Was playing time attack with gt spam and aura.


A diamondoid would be perfect for this combination

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