What made Neo Monsters special to you?

Is it the secs feature that had people strategize their moves?
Is it the Story that made you moved?
Is it the world that you hardly immersed in?
Is it the variety of dragons and monsters you’d put in your team?
Well whatever that is, I hope you’ll tell
What made Neo Monsters excell above the rest.


Battle system actually


The variety of strategies and team building.


The battle system. It’s just unique. I’ve tried quitting many times to try other games but always come back because of that. There are also many strategies to use which is fun.

When I started I really enjoyed the offline story and roaming/exploring the map. Same thing with Evertale, there it was actually better than in Neo. It’s sad that rather than adding that type of content, companies and developers will go for the easiest and most lucrative options, which seems to be waifus.

That was also why I liked Neo. No waifus. I never stuck with Evertale because of those repulsive designs and lack of content variety. Now the same seems to be happening to Neo, slowly, which is very annoying to say the least!


Some cool designs and the battle system




Flexing my hatches

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I loved this game as a child some habits never change

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I love pokemon/capture monster game.so I download this one.the special thing for me in neo is battle and story

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you took like a good 4-5 minutes writing that

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you waiting me :sweat_smile:,yeah I think so


Neo is special because I love how we continue to get new content and amazing monster designs. The ppl in charge of major decisions in neo must be so considerate because of how much they have listened to our pleas over the past year. I also love how we keep getting new online events and don’t just have the same ones repeating over and over again.




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Look I can’t play HI and DIB all the time and this is a decent replacement

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I couldn’t play porkemon go


What a mad weekend that was! :joy:

Pokémon go was a huge disappointment

I like pokemon go. It’s definitely a lot better than the recent games like sword and shield