What eggs to buy???

When i started playing there was egg with 6% chance for legendaries and 37% for super epics.
Are those eggs ever coming back???

I been saving gems and have almost 200 and i was thinking that its propably best to buy those eggs with increased chances.
Am i correct???

I kinda screwed up my tickets.
Cus i didnt realize that once u buy monster that is on sale, then sales on other monsters will stop and they go to normal price.
And also i bought one of the worst monsters in whole game (Apollorexus)

I wouldnt wanna make another mistake with my hard earned gems, so all tips welcome.

Valentine’s egg will be the nearest festival, so keep saving until then

Yeah that really sucks :sweat_smile:. If it helps at all, many other players have made a similar mistake. The 12 ticket legs such as Dusicyon, Atrahasis, Goldtail and Ankoudragon are just much more useful. At least Apollo can be put to use against heavily buffed opponents in events like the on-going UC.

Congrats on saving up that many gems! Within a few weeks there will be a new festival for sure, so I recommend holding on to them until it starts!

Flocc be like ‘where am I ?’

Flocc is yesterday’s news. Not worth 12 tickets anymore imo.

I know that’s why I made that meme

Pictorial memes are better understood .