Van sith (Poll and Discussion)

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I have read her skills 5 times now and I don’t understand any of it and how it works

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Was wondering why i couldnt create the topic lol, u forgot the polls

Her soulanterns have stun skills so you are forced to use it on her which gives a turn immediately and she can pass through stealth with her timestrike double move.

Everything else is straight forward I think

Can someone explain gaslighting??


Can someone tell me who is soulstern

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Thanks @INA-Archer and @NoelLemon2

I thought it was just me lol

Coltraz is an expert on this topic :grin:

Jokes aside, this monster will create problems in PvP, another one that has lock capabilities. It will also boost Tenguko stun which has been a topic of complaint in the past few weeks.

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From what I’m getting… She comes in stealthed and shielded, converts a stun absorber(or counter idk) into a soulantern. She then starts bloodbiting, with the aforementioned soulantern being forced to use stunstrike on her which gives her a turn. If you’re in a pinch you can quickly stun the lantern and use timecrush double.

My thoughts? Bruh. That soulantern is nasty stuff, even worse than deadweight. Only reprieve is that theres no stupid defense buff, chrono/stun/humanoid weakness and mediocre speed.

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She does have the new best passive in the game which is stealth entrance all. Medusa and Tengoku can attest to that

It’s different.

Instant deadweight if the enemy is not running any stun counter/absorber


This monsters has been changed.

Basically it converts any absorber into a bat (stun counter/ converter/ absorber)

She can stun a absorber for 25tu and has timecrush double ignoring stealth status.

Bloodbite to heal backup

It has been nerfed heavily from the leaks, there is no point of bloodbite when it doesnt have holding ground

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Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss :nail_care:

This waifu gets a pass from me

Thought you were replying to mrx the first half lmao

Do you have a screenshot of the original leak ?

I really like this moveset but its also trash lmao :rofl:

She is stupidly niche and the ultimate bloom killer however I really like the idea of giving a token which gives you extra turns.

The problem with it is she will really struggle to get a first kill. (Unless the gaslight counts)

She is a stun > timestrike killer so ideally you want to be able to stun something however if you use gaslight then you will have to stun the gaslantern who therefore wont be able to give you a turn :joy:.

So basically as fun as gaslight would be it essentially makes her other moves unusable UNLESS the opponent had TWO stun absorbers to begin with!

She basically has two useless moves therefore.

As a sidenote this is actually one of the better waifu designs. Slightly less sexualised than what we have been getting. Probably why her moves are so clunky.

EDIT - i think i misunderstood her a little bit. But basically she has two different movesets. She can either stun > timestrike OR gaslight > bloodbite but needs an absorber to do both. Kind of reminds me of the Taunt/Raw myth where you can do one or the other. Probably going to play like a B - A tier. All depends on if she can target stun converters/counters with gaslight or just absorbers.

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