Update 2.54 has released đŸ«°

Sorry guys, I misremembered. It was just a proposal from the Devs Regarding Secret Skills...

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Why thank you! :star_struck:

I think you need a Snickers today, you’re not you when you’re hungry! :joy:


Sadly I was proven to be mistaken :stuck_out_tongue:

@GMagic Haha good one. Twice today I’ve misremembered Neo Monsters stuff, it’s a shock. I might be getting dementia

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After marriage man life very bad :disappointed:


@Mr.X I guess Nightingale is still pretty good if the moment it was removed from list you run it again with Tenguko next in line :joy::joy:


Am testing and to be honest she is terrible, am starting to feel she is not worth the cost and her second version might be better now

what are you testing? its your most predictable most run setup that have not changed since weeks.

Am testing nightgale after her nerf, am also trying to get enough gems to awaken the box girl and meme around

Am 9 packs away from my second pity timer :person_facepalming:

17 cost for nightgale seems way too much tbh

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Are you testing a monster you had for a long time? What are you testing while it is identical, except that it no longer uses two euthanasias

It not only no longer uses 2 times it also had it cost increase which is the most significant part.

The two times has really hurt it in a way that you cant stepback euthanasias twoce but with the new box girl there might be a good combo with her

The boxes deal almost 50% of the health damage they could setup nightgale for double kill, thats what am testing

Where is the problem in that? I feel here that They just want mortilys to shine more ,and cabriel was a counter , they don’t want us to shield from backbiting earlier banalncion but bridalith entrance has no restrictions

It’s the highest speed “backbite” monster. Due to the shields, HG and healing on its turn it can be very awkward to take out when it’s repeatedly doing the sacrificial shield move. That makes it not only the fastest one to start any combo setup, but also the most reliable option for doing so.

There are various disruptors and power entrance monsters that, when chained together in rapid succession can lock the opponent out of the battle. Crabriel enabled this strategy a little too well. Wraithhost is a much fairer monster for doing it and more the power level we shouldn’t go much above.