Update 2.54 has released đź«°

Hi Neomon Dragon/Waifu Trainers,

Update 2.54 has been released, introducing the new “Trainer Rankings” feature!

Let us know your thoughts—are there any other rankings you’d like to see or ones that would incentivize you to play?

Thank you!


Great update. I love the monsters changes.


There’s a change we didn’t mention in the news—now you can open “Ticket Balance” panel here ,even when your tickets are full, to view your nectar inventory.

Is there an anime character that slowly just speeds up?

This is the 2nd update where Ldiefeath’s speed increased by a small amount

To counter goat

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Jerbo buff before Auraleus. My heart is aching im going to bed

@EMI_Eklypz was asking for a jerbo buff for longer, tbf


I will go for Stellaurum when i come back

Did zephy now have a real chance to use his ss .

By the way his ss is one of skills which will never be used .
And hand on heart all 5 star mons get a turn before he will get a turn that makes the ss more shitfull as he was .

With speed reduce he will be a easy target for a lot of mons .

He isnt be good as a fl mon .only with c.w. worms .

Im afraid to see how he will work with that speed reduce

He’s a bit dead for FL, he’s a FL monster and loses speed. This is different from the case of Charybdia nerf which can still be used in the midgame because Chary is a non-combo & single monster.

You know how bad it is, imagine if prixis lost 15% speed, I guarantee its users would decrease drastically. The only thing I can think of for now is using Zephyramus in the endgame with a bunch of rockoids. No SS.

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The trainer rankings is a good thing but the cumulative login bonus is gone permanently??

I think the dmg decrease without target iscabsolutly ok .

But the speed reduce i dont know ?

66% was not to high .

Think if he get the dmg nerf first we could check if the problem was solved .

Because the most players are asking to reduce the dmg without target

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No ,its not. You can see in community option.

Yes, if only the speed was still 66% but the main move was only Void powerslash. And other skills do not provide additional damage to non-targets. Maybe it’s still better.


Lmao “power spank” :joy::flushed::smirk:

Also - JERBO BUFFFFFFFFFFF!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!


I remember suggesting trainer rankings as well so double win for me!

Nagao is in the top 100 best pvp players of all time!

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Page 4 was missing bro.

With the heaviest nerf of one of the most powerful mithics carmilette .

Lmfao i expect someting better nerf

Don’t cry about your Zephyr strat. You had a good run with it abusing it. Time to let it go.

My thoughts on balances:

Nightingale - lazy change but OK.

Van Sith - need to see how she flows now. Should be better for sure.

Cinder - farm noob healing will make her now infinitely better at pulling off her gimmick.

Stellaurum - finally a good buff to this mythic that will propably now make him a good choice to awaken and run.

Yukihime - now one of the most controlling mythic in the game. You can now sleep two targets first turn with one lasting forever.

Zephyr - should be changed months ago - great they finally saw how unbalanced it was.

Onika - link fire teams with Ashterios now got a huge upgrade! Definitely interested now in Awakening her.

Aethereon - this is nothing and will do nothing

Page 4

Btw did all rockoids just get nerfed?

Why does my page show 403k bonds done and when someone else sent it to me it showed 396k? @Dev_VKC