Ultra-evolve starters

Hi all,
i got a couple of question about starters ultra-evolution.
1st of all, i got all 4 of them in 4 stars evo, at this point shall i get more? If i get to labyrith, do i get an additional starter?
If not, is it possibile to have more than 1 starter fully-evolved?

Thanks you all for the help.

Yes you can get how many starters you want and yes, it’s possible tu ultra evolve all of them.

P.s. In the labirinth you can only get one 100%, then the other times you’ll have the 60% chance to get it.

Thanks, that’s why i did get nothing!

Final question: i got all starter 4 stars with full stats. If i evolve one of them, and i have many copy of the other starters as ingredient, is possibile to choose wich of them sacrifice in the evolution progress?
That would be usefull to avoid losing the most experienced ones.

all 4 starters, including the ones you’re sacrificing, have to be ultra evolved. If it’s time bonuses you’re worried about, don’t worry. It’ll automatically select the highest bonus for the one being evolved, and the lowest bonus for the sacrificed ones.

Thanks a lot!