Two of the same monsters

Hey so i was thinking… it would be a great idea to have the ability to have two of the same monsters. Example. Having an evolve version of Leo and a not evolve one. It will improve team building capacity. Help with cost in making teams. And some monsters are better unevolve. Or give us the ability to unevolve an monster

I have suggested that the publisher should have an evolutionary de-release function so that Monster can return to an undeveloped form. This can solve the cost problem very well

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The last thing i want to see in this world is 2 angelion or 2 novadrake. or scorpio


Of course you can’t used both in the same tdam

It would be a good idea to have unevolved version of legends but we cannot put the same monster twice in a team.

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Everybody of course you can’t put two of the same monsters in the same team. I’m saying have two copy of it

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I think I made a thread about this idea a while ago, was generally well received. From what I can tell it’s doubtful that it’ll happen though

but think of it. unevolved monsters means u wont get bonus from them. it gonna take way way way long to program that. also some monsters are op while in there evolved state.

2 Auros let’s go

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I ultra evolved my horrorclaw ~4-5 years ago lmao I want this feature

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Unevolved monsters can still have bonus pots

Nvm I misread what you said

My suggestion was to make it optional; Where the game still gives the evolved one the bonus by default, but you have the ability to say “no thanks, I’ll let it remain a separate copy.” Maybe they could even go as far as to give you the choice of which copy of the monster you want bonused should you roll them a third time? Who knows.

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What about a button to evolve/devolve you monster like SS we can turn them on or off?


Part of me wants this just so the Devs will nerf some of the overpowered lower form versions of monsters. Leogeist is one that I hate right now… 8-cost stun counter is ridiculous. There’s no way I’m ever going to evolve mine for a little bit more damage on crescendo strike and lifeflip.

However, I think it’s a bad idea to have the ability to unevolve monsters or gain a second copy to have at a lower form. The monsters and cost system is balanced for things to be in their final form. Any time we use a monster that isn’t in its final form we are exploiting a loophole, taking advantage of badly designed monsters.

Secret skills allow us to adjust cost and there are plenty of low costed monsters who do a lot in a team. If we need to reduce cost in a team we should be using super epics or below. What the Devs need to do is design more lower quality monsters that are viable in some way and not just special rocks. Bulbieboom was an excellent idea, one I’d like to see more of.