To buy gems, or not to buy gems? [New player]

New player to neomonsters here, used to play hunter island a few years ago. I’ve got a few legendaries from lucky single egg pulls (not festival eggs) and wonder if it’s worth it right now to buy gems? Am I going to be in a never ending cycle of having to buy gems and hope for good mons?

For the Vday event I can get 300 gems for $80 and then pull the 50 gem eggs 6 times, which guarantees (I believe) 5 legendaries including sweetfeather (who looks like a just ok mon) and not including getting lucky further. What’s a good way to proceed to grow my team? Kind of feels like I have to buy and hope…

Will certainly help your progression, it’s your dollar but you’ll probably enjoy the game more if you’ve got a good competitive field to use and compete in the events. Over time every event will become winnable every time. Took me half a year too reach that stage.


I agree, I’d probably enjoy it more if I could be more competitive. I guess I just don’t want to have to spend an arm and a leg just to play against people who have spent more than me, although I could spend the time to compete on more mon knowledge. I’ve been playing 2 weeks and I feel like I’m in late game already haha. I initially rerolled until I finally got a cybereon

Current gem deals are the best for new players and older players if they want to buy,much cheaper

Game is not P2W. I have spent 0$(although I really should throw a couple bucks there way given the amount of fun the game has given me over the years), and have 35 legends, a couple of them limited.

There is a considerably high skillcap to the game.

I will say though, if you want to go for 300 gems, then do so. You’re guaranteed at least 3 legends, and the possibility for a 4th and 5th out of the rest of the eggs is very, very high.(1 - (0.939)^57 = 97% chance for 1 or more)

Thanks for answering the P2W part of my question! I was afraid the good mons could only be gotten through continual gem buying as gems seem to get more scarce the more missions I finish. I remember hunter island I could win SS every week just by building the right team.

How did you go about building your team and getting good?

i started the game when u were guaranteed a legend like 2 years ago, farmed gems and played a lot of the story, and wasted most of my gems too, it is possible to be successful  without buying but it takes long

you can still win most games now to earn rewards without legends, my advice is for them battle a ai team once see what it does then try to build to counter it best you can, make sure to grab all the free monsters the game offers you as well

That’s good advice - I really like that I can get the mons from the normal missions. Although they’re 4 stars so I often wonder how good they actually are. I’m only rank 35 so I guess I can’t really fit all of them on my team anyway with the low cost limit.

Are there ever events to win a legendary? I imagine they’re crazy. The event for starter ingredients going on now is absolutely wrecking me… that assist all + desperate strike is harsh

You can get 2 free legends in the game, Noxdragon from islands,and Chronozeros from online missions,and that’s it for legendaries

I’ve already snagged Chronox and now have to wait for all the starskies… not sure where the islands missions are but I’ll take a look! Thanks for the heads up

You should join the line community, you can learn more from there. :slight_smile:

Make sure to gather moaliths, all the starter monsters will become very powerful in their super epic forms. :slight_smile: pseudo legendaries if you ask me.

The nox legendary can be found in one of the 6 islands in the offline section

This video can help,good luck with neo monsters

Zard, Lochi, and Ali are all super pros and their advice is solid. All 3 will provide super amazing advice that will help you far. I highly suggest you PM them for advice or join our Line thread.

If you think you’re gonna stick with this game, spend the 30 bucks during a guaranteed festival and it will go far. With patience you can absolutely do fine free to play, but a little money up front will greatly improve your experience.

Hey it’s good to hear you’re back in the game and looking at it seriously. I’m a free player here who’s got a few friends playing the game in the last few months. Here’s how I’d say it is for a free player…

(3-4 weeks)
After your first few weeks you’ll be able to build a team that can have a good stab at the first half of an event. Save up 50 gems to use in the first special festival egg like this one (guaranteed legendary in 1st pack) then you’ll hopefully get a couple of legendaries early on. This will ensure you can do a fair bit of each event. In PvP you will get destroyed.

(3 months)
About 3 months in you should have picked up a small number of legendaries (4?) and can complete the super challenge battle (SCB) each week with some clever team building and gameplay. However, other events are much harder and you’ll be able to get about 2/3-3/4 of the way through those. If you’ve been lucky with your legendaries and picked up great PvE ones you might be able to complete some of the events, again by playing well. In PvP you can enjoy some matches in a lower bracket.

(6 months)
At 6 months hopefully now you’ll have a good pool of legendaries to create teams with to beat almost all of the events. However, you’ll have to know how to play with your monsters to do this. In PvP you’ll have a team that can properly beat many people but the competitive crowd will beat you quite easily still.

(1 year)
By carefully choosing which eggs to roll on and saving up your gems you should hopefully have a good selection of legendaries to complete all events. You will have picked up all the team building skills and gameplay tactics to do PvE. You will finally have enough options for PvP in order to compete at the highest level.

Now, it’s your choice whether or not to spend on the game. I have enjoyed it here as a free player even though I would actually like to support the game developers (I try in other ways to money). If you’re going to periodically spend some money then the deals like the current one giving 2x gems are a great time to wait for. Spending can help you get a specific monster by doing 6 packs for it guaranteed or you can simply do it early on to get you started. As you can see above, I’ve detailed roughly what you can expect if you play for free. If you want to fast track then buying gems is a great way to do it and you’ll still want to only spend your gems on the “right” eggs.

I would be happy to answer any questions that you want to throw at me.

And I am not superpro,bro,thnx for the compliment tho :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:
Buying 150 gems will get you easily two legends,as f2p player I had to wait almost a year to get two legends,so that’s a huge help to get going

As someone already stated, join the LINE chat. This is one of the best communities I have been in and you can get great advices, help and a lot of fun.

Thanks so much for the support guys! Looking forward to getting more into this game again… I remember it being fun. I’ll look into joining the line community - how exactly do I do that?

To give some closure to my initial question, I went ahead and bought the gem pack and rolled 6, 10 egg packs. I got the following (please forgive not using the fully upgraded names as I’m not sure what they are):


  • Biledragon
  • Cryowyrm
  • Drakotron
  • Sweetfeather
  • Astrodragon

Super Epic

  • Leviathan
  • Scorpionix
  • Gearwolf
  • Freezard
  • Pyrowyrm
  • Hydrowyrm
  • Typhonwyrm
  • Dinorider
  • Mechadino
  • Coldheart
  • Raptorex
  • Zephyr
  • Georex
  • Aquallion
  • Gigawolf
  • Lavamander
  • Triphoon
  • Inuhound
  • Titanwyrm
  • Subzeratops
  • Tezladrake
  • Esapion

I’ve had some fun making a poison team - combined with my flarevern - scorpionix, leviathan, and biledragon make an interesting combo

That’s a nice haul, bro! 5 legs in 6 packs is incredible luck.