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I won against @squinty1880 because he was running poseidon while I was not using poseidon. Poseidon is such a bad monster.

For the record, I did not play 740 games during this season while using poseidon. I did not get 2nd place in ranked pvp while running the current strongest poseidon frontline. I don’t know why anyone would say otherwise. I have never used scummy pvp strategies in my entire life.

Squinty is going to accuse me of lying but I would never lie. When have I ever told a lie?

Lol I don’t even have Poseidon, and can provide anecdotal screenshots. Quit lying.

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Yeah me either :smiley::+1:


You’ll probably delete poseidon from your collection and then send the screenshots as “proof” you never bought it. I bet you have enough 6* tickets that it wouldn’t be an issue for someone.

Should I spend my tickets on “A.S. Poseidon”

yeah probably. a lot of players are using it

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Buying A.S. Poseidon? What about buffing A.R.borgias for a change?


I have never used /bought Poseidon , not even evolved dolphoone and even unlocked the SS of any other dolphins .
Wish i had the torachad emoji




@squinty1880 here is my proof that I have never bought poseidon!

Time stamp when that was sent vs my screenshot and remove the black magic marker. If you cross reference the monster id’s of Orca and Jungle flipper in the monsterdex you’ll see Poseidon is in between them. This is sorted by index/stars so I’m right


AUGGHH! You have seen through my black magic! You are a truly intelligent forum user. However, you still have not sent your own screenshots to prove that you, yourself, are not an owner of poseidon!

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I would only consider buying Poseidon if I had myst, which I do not.

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Bufbuffalo is the real mvp of the shop exclusive SE’s


I would have seen squinty rather not share DMs, however it’s not against the rules as I can’t really see „bad intentions“ here.

Still, Squinty, would you consider removing that screenshot for the next two hours? You can put it back in when ranked is over. I mean it’s obvious Duck bought Poseidon as he jumped the Poseidon/Myst bandwagon right at the start.

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Nobody can jump duck in the rankings though but I’ll remove it then repost it.

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As he said it’s not even his ranked team, there are small alterations to it. Remove it for me if I’m in violation still and I l’d get it.

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Apparently Squinty genuinely believes that I was trying to lie about using poseidon to fool people into thinking I got 2nd this season without it. I have no idea how the logic behind that works since I’ve spent the past month playing hundreds of games with poseidon and talking about how I used it in other parts of the forum but ok

mods, feel free to delete this screenshot if it violates a rule but leave the text alone