The PVE experience

Let’s start with the reason this thread is written in the first place: I completed all bond quests I could to 120, and the remaining ones to 100. That is roughly 400 monsters at +9 and 500 for the entire roster. That being said, I want to share some interesting observations throughout the grind, tips and team ideas if anyone wants to take full advantage of auto play in Neo. Note: these auto teams are powerful enough to be used in almost all events, not just bond quests, to complete events without needing to make a single move yourself.

To even start with auto play in an efficient level you need to sort out every bad- and every good monster option. For example mortar is good because AI does not have many options when it comes to decision making, usually 3/4 moves are locked behind load mortar, which then leaves the only option to load. And on the other end of the curve, monsters with poison gas for example: These are generally super bad for auto as AI will most likely spam poison gas. This type of analysis is very important when making a auto team. Doing these type of analysis yourself when you test out monsters gives you an idea what AI uses well and what you should not put in the team. Besides auto there are also two teams good for manual playthrough if you really want to do that (I did not do this a lot). More about this later.

So, the first thing I will focus on is friend monsters. You want to pick friend monsters that can be useful for moments when you see AI is 100% going to lose (endgame), but you take over, summon friend monster and manage to win, simple as that. Therefore, all my friends in the game have shared Carmilla, hazuki, rhine and such. I delete all friends that change to something bad for this type of grind, and the example list of no-no monsters is massive! (Note: mostly only for the last bond levels) Saying that, I never actually use friend monsters on 90% → of the battles because I don’t need to, it’s just for when the moment calls for it, and it does not work every time. However, it’s still better to ignore friending bad monsters to have all friends in your entire friends list contain only good monsters. This takes away the need to scroll the pages of what monsters to use, but just blindly pick 1 of the 4 of your friends. Trust me, if you want to grind a lot this is going to save you hours in the long run!

Now about the actual battles. For 0-50 in auto you would want to use a fast AoE team, and there is no better option for this than the classic shadow AoE with Nova. There are bunch of options for this, but the main part of it all is toad and nova, the remaining ones just need to either support it or bring more destructive power to it. This team can be used quite further when playing it manually, but for auto I would use it to 50 or maybe even 60. The teams could usually be of Nova, toad, tort, shiny auro or Nova, toad, shiny gearcrod, nox- The options here are wide, but the idea is to complete the easy battles as fast as you can.

There are a few good shadow monsters that can support this, for example persephia or onyxia. There is really not much more I can add to this, it’s very straight forward and been around in the game for years; just a perfect beginner team for anyone to adopt!

Next level of the grind takes advantage of mortar monsters and cloners. The reason I swap from shadow AoE to mortar around 50 is because mortar teams are bulky and deal tons of damage at the same time. The constant loading prevents many damage sources, keeping the team alive for longer, and sometimes perfectly paving the way for the cloners that come after. AI just plays it well overall as well. I use this setup for 50-90. 90-100 becomes too much for mortar monsters to do efficient damage. In these levels you need 6 slots for a single type, so you could use 4-6 mortar monsters, 3 clone monsters and some strong fillers. Here is my main “mortar” team, as I usually call it.

Also to add: shadow team can be used much further than 50 in manual playthrough, as Ducky reported to me. I don’t do manual at all so this is why I suggest swapping at 50, but still a good place to say you can use the shadow team for much longer if you wish to.

The final level of 0-120 grind is tough! The dreaded levels 90-120 on auto: You only have 8 slots to make as efficient team as possible, which is not that simple. Of course the 8 reserved slots for the types will have some useful monsters as well but you have to know what monsters to use to maximize the efficiency. I cannot help for the 8 reserved slots as it will most likely be different to everyone, but for the 8 other slots I had trial and error to conclude which monsters I believe are the best for auto play, and here they are: Hazuki, cosmodragon, hanzowolf, aurodragon, blitzdyr, torrentide, tenebris and brynhildr. These are the 8 I use for 100-120, but you can use 2 more from 90-100, and here in addition I chose carmilla and nebelronix. Two monsters I also used frequently were ammityrant and tricertalon. Also to add, this is based on monsters I own, there might be better options. So there, these are my 3 auto teams for 0-50, 50-90 and 90-120 respectively.

Some might wonder if I play any manual teams at all, and yes, I do if I want to quickly floor the 100-120 levels. Here is a simple purpie team I can use for all levels between 0-120. It might not be as efficient as pre-stun nerf version of it (does not work anymore, RIP), but this still does quite a good job at setting up purpies.

Another relatively fast manual team consists of bomb chaining by abusing time skipping with duel and leira. This team is as follows:

Screenshot from 2024-04-27 15-51-17

This thread is meant as a initial “blueprint” for team ideas. Not everyone will be able to 100% copy of course, and these people will have to make use of substitutes and their own ideas. But those who can copy could use full copy and even try to improve the teams! Let’s break the capabilities of auto teams and create absolute monster teams in the future.

Now that the teams are out of the way I want to add a list of notable monsters you face in enemy teams: the annoying ones. (Applies only to the higher level bonds)

Hu Shin: with blitzdyr and auro in your team you will most likely have more monsters than enemy, which makes Hu Shin spam timely revival. This is really annoying and I would suggest to manually kill it yourself if you see one!

Mula: This thing removes all your death revenges for free and poisons the hell out of you. This thing is so annoying to face that I usually kill it off manually immediately. It becomes extra problematic because it never lingers around on the field, making AI never to target and kill it. And if you end up with mula vs 4 torrent as an endgame you cannot win it unless your friend monster can do something about it.

Tardigrenade: Same reason as mula: you cannot win against it if there is tardigrenade vs 4 torrent. AoE does not deal damage and if tardi has no kill you can’t win, even if you summon friend monsters because the wall of torrents can’t even kill themselves.

Gryphking: Gains shield every load and full heals all allies. Sometimes you cannot deal enough damage to get kills so you deal little by litte, but gryph will heal in these situations. Usually a “target first” monster in my radar.

St. Togala: Same reason as gryph, except it can also shield all allies. This monster is so annoying to get rid of!

Lunartic: Not a very problematic monster, but still something to mention. The life flip can cause infinite loops.

Gabrielle: As with lunartic, can cause infinite loops if AI keeps targeting gabrielle and it has the infinite shield.

Any auto poison + violet: These monsters are just the worst. They kill auro clones, prevent HGs and overall just make AI strugge.

Enemy blitz/torrent/torrent: Sometimes I end up with a wall of my own blitz, torrent and tene fighting against a mirror. Usually requires you manually break the cloning.

More cloners (cryo, sanct, sageroom, etc…): Cloners overall are very annoying to face. Cryo sanct can have a ELEM heal wall you cant kill and the stun guarantees they get to clone more. Sageroom slows down your side and can become a unkillable wall if left unattended.

Puffball: Yes, another cloner, but so annoying it deserves it’s own slot. The taunt sometimes prevents AI from breaking the clone chain, and these things even heal. I’ve had situations where these are completely unkillable which is auto loss.

Atrahasis: Same reason as Hu Shin, it will keep reviving monsters but not as bad as Hu Shin.

Aurodragon: Not as problematic as Hu Shin or atrahasis, but still honorable mention.

Heavenswyrm + shiny: Constant fast healing + camo. Hard for AI to get rid off and might cause a standstill.

Lastly, @Dev_VKC would be awesome if you added the new bonds, all shiny legendary bonds and pupupa bonds as well :new_moon_with_face:


Just wondering,if you run out of MBQ what do you do about the daily quest? (Sometimes it requires 1-2 bond battle)

This was solved months ago. You can continue doing bonds of a monster even if it’s already 120

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i use a GF auto battle team which usually gets me to around 60 in bq before i have to occasionally help it.

grovedeus can be annoying to face.

I picked the most annoying ones because I have had to stop auto just to get rid of them so many times. I find grovodeus and doomengine good, as they slow down the enemy team flow so much that it ends up being “kill 1 by 1” situation, increasing odds to win by a lot

also pola. though he is probably less problematic for mortar teams since shields.

Oh yes pola is annoying. One nice trick I do is use tricertalon or ammityrant after the clone wall to break any stand still situations, its very effective

ye i tend to have an ammityrant in all my PvE teams as a failsafe lol.

All hail the pve goat!

For those who don’t have nagandia, I highly recommend this team for 90-120. I prefer using lunactia and novadrake instead of onigeist. It’s such a good pve combo you can often win even if the early game bombs fail.

Nova enrage on manual is good up to 80-90 if your team is strong enough. For those who don’t consistently use auto battle, I recommend having it so auto battle is off by default at the start of every battle for nova enrage. If I’m manually grinding with this and feel like I want to take a break for a minute, start a new battle and turn on auto battle right after you enrage nova on the first turn. Thats probably good up until 20 floors below where you’d usually stop using nova.

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Excellent guide :pray::pray::pray:

For those who could not see this screenshot:

Screenshot from 2024-04-27 15-51-17

EDIT: changed the links of all images for sustainability

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