The Fortune Shrine below 500 gems support group.

Im at 402 :roll_eyes:

They tried 1200, it was too much, they toned it down to 500 which is more balanced. There’s no reason to bring back the 1200 one if they’re distributing gems to us anyway.

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Con 333 gemas actuales podré llegar a 500 para la próxima ruleta?

That’s why I think they may offer 1200 one time for anniversary. After all, it comes once in a year and lot of people may not take advantage of it. People are struggling to get to 500 let alone 1200. And if people are going to buy their way to get there, it good for developers.


Anniversary or not, I don’t see it happening but we will see.

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I just got 400😃 today


Nice! I’m up to 350 :pray:t2:

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You are going to make it brother. I’m sure :muscle::blush:

It’s not need for F2P players. I want 1200 gems shrine so i can reach 3000 gems again


Shrine was never a balanced stuff.
It should be once in a month and a maximum of 500 free gems was enough .
I know it’s controversial but that’s my personal opinion , the day shrine started and I reached 500 I have not completed even a single pve event which earlier I loved doing it.
This shrine stuff for me ruined the whole pve experience .

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Let’s leave the sanctuary as it is, we cannot be greedy, we should thank the gods that this sanctuary keeps standing, because it could collapse one day if we continue demanding of the . Be thankful.


I don’t think we can get there :worried::worried::worried:

Why though? The PvE events are the same as they were before the shrine? :stuck_out_tongue:

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The shrine kills motivation to play pve for those who focus on the rewards as long as they aren’t desperate for gems. I’d assume it’s the same with pvp. Those who slugged through pvp in order to get the rewards likely have less motivation to play when they’re already guaranteed to get a few hundred gems a month.

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He said he loved doing the events, surely it can’t be only because of the gems? And as a a PvE player, what’s the point in hatching new monsters with the shrine gems if you’re not going to use them afterwards?

I think the shrine is great because after I reach 500 gems, I’ll be able to focus on the events I really want to do and skip the less fun ones. For example Survival of the Fittest which is just a complete slug fest.


Not sure tbh but that’s the conclusion I ended up with. The only thing that’s changed since the shrine was released is the value of the rewards we get. I used to enjoy completing most of the pve events for the gems and legend pots, but recently I’ve been skipping a lot of them. Anyway, sorry for interrupting the support group convo lol


The shrine allows us to focus on other things too, which imo is fantastic.

Now they need to increase the legendary potion amounts and maybe add a mythic ticket here or there and the reward hunters will be satisfied again!


Yeh. Now that everyone will be hatching more monsters. It is necessary that they increase evolution ingredients,leg potion etc. That will help people to ultra evolve monster they wouldn’t otherwise. This may motivate people to experiment with different teams instead of simply spamming s tier mons.


I don’t know about you bro but I wouldn’t finish whales for 20 gems when I have 900+ gems .
Same goes with other events which have way too less to offer and are repetitive in nature for ex : okkults mission .
Which earlier I had to complete complete since I needed gems.

Making your collection better is something important for both pve player as it gives u new stuff try out.
I am not against the shrine but I just wanted to reduce the number of free gems
Imo 300-500 from shrines + 200 from events would be better .
Getting 800+ gems without events is just crazy in a month.

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Personally I feel like the difference between a player who use to grind way too much and a normal player who does not grind even half of it is now very less with 2 shrines in a single month and it now is a complete game of gacha
For example
Shikaotoko did 800 gems in 3 months which was impossible for a lot of players but if we compare now, the amount of gems I made this month is more than or even equal to what shikaotoko made this whole month and it is all due to luck.
What i need is to maintain that difference between a player who grinds hard and a player who does not play that much.
i guess the group already deviated a lot maybe we should continue this discussion in the other fortune shrine post