The cost of my team is 206 but in android the cost of my friend is 267748 whaaaaaat!!!

Why the cost of neomonster in android is more than iOS. When I play with my friends they cost is much more than my, my level is 105 and the cost mine not exceed than 206. Is a trouble mine or ??? Explain me please!!

Hes using a moded apk,tell him hes going to get banned soon


So is impossible go up than I’m?? Thanks for reply!

The max cost its 206 there’s no other way to go above that,unless they are using a modded apk

I dont recommend u following his steps u would get banned instantly its always better to enjoy the full experience of the game

Lol that’s not even gonna get him very far. 206 already offers an insane amount of freedom, with an average of just under 13 cost per team member. The absolute maximum cost he could reach is 256, if he runs only 16 cost monsters. Certainly stronger overall, but far from unbeatable. Plus there’s a ton of top notch SEs he’d be missing out on. I mean like, if he’s gonna hack, then he should at least do something that actually substantially improves his odds :stuck_out_tongue:

Your friend is using illegal apk.
However, he won’t be able to use any team more than 206 cost in pvp battle.

He will get banned later.
Or you can share his friend code and he will get banned immediately :eyes:


Thank for your replies gays I’ll continued playing with my fabulous team “ I think :thinking: “ jajaja, my friends could be doing something bad but I go to left enjoy how make trap until they be banished!!

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But the illegal apk version is alot more fun.

I wounder why their is a team cost cap on certain pve events like dungeon, super battles, etc.


I wish hr 300 had 267748 cost, that would be :ok_hand:t2::ok_hand:t2:

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Jajajaja could be amazing :wink: that!!