🤬 😈 The BM report thread

I like to disagree.

My children play on my account all the time and I teach them to not play BM, to made them understand, that proper playstyle is showing superior behaviour.

I also like to mention, that to say sorry is a big gesture nowadays and should be honored and not get talked down or cheap.

If it’s his nephew playing or not, is not on us to decide or judge. Maybe it really was like this, or maybe it just makes it more easy for him to say sorry.

Regardless, everybody should forgive if an apology was said.


After this I was charged with four counts of child neglect. I also stood near a goose for three seconds.




Nein!!!, bring the hammer down, justice needs to be served until they add a skip button for both players.

The devs sparing him would be unfair to all the others who got punished.

Maybe you can request for a permanently accessible run button or a similar function in the feature request.

That might solve the problem and reduce dev work.

No video but these screenshots are enough right? A simple snowblast & a minisplash should do… why stun & stun? Haha


Absolute HUGE L for this guy!!!

First of all dude was running a UC/PvE hybrid setup with Skele, Auro, Atra, Crim, Grovo etc. He disconnected and reconnected at the early stages of the match maybe because bad connection or maybe because he thought I would give up. Nope. I managed to destroy his brainless tactics after which he deliberately disconnected when he had only Auro left. He also waited a while before doing that. What a Chad :+1::+1::+1:

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Dammmn thats me , wait not me it was my nephew playing , i beat him hardly , please accept my excuses :pray:


Wasting time and then disconnecting at the last second…

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I know its a meme sensoring :joy:

My apologies to u for my clanmate, I already hit him in the head with a stick , he won’t do it again

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Are you sure it wasn’t your clan mates nephews dog who was playing?

No, 100% sure was him, also I said I hit his head with an stick, if it was his dog probably @Killerdog would ban me for animal abuse

He could have just killed me. Instead he makes more snow and clones smh

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Often you have an opponent who will not finish you directly, just play 4 or 5 unnecessary moves, then finish you. I consider this as not nice, but not as problematic.

A different situation is a lock, which gets dragged for 10+ or even endless moves.

From many pictures posted here, sometimes both can be possible.

So I would recommend to record a video sequence as proof for the developers to take action. Sometimes a screenshot is not enough evidence.

Of course a screenshot can also be valid, for example if the fight time has elapsed unnormally.

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You cant blame the guy, he just hates Aurodragons. If it was me I’d do the same thing. He’s a legend in my book.

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Auro , atra , :expressionless::neutral_face: should be banned from pvp