Thanks Devs-Awaken

I never knew devs would allows us to awaken a mythic from just evolution it seems they are get more reasonable. @Dev_VKC

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Too bad it’s just a mistake from the devs



you just cant expect anything good from this team.


“Players will not be able to use the Huskegon evolved in this way in any battle.”

God damn it, there’s always a catch when it comes to things like this.

I don’t get it. Did they give us a mythic shard for free?

No they increased the speed of the mythic so in order to retain the speed increase you need to give him fruit and train him and once he is trained all of a sudden he will evolve into a awaken mythic it just seems like the devs give us a surprise treat but then once you put him in the team you cant play any mode.


Well ■■■■, now I feel like a complete idiot.

Imagine people who dont have it and how they think about giving free awakening to only a bunch of people


I think its good idea- once the other players hatch him they could awaken too.

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Yeah I felt really heart broken when I saw it could be awaken just from evolving it. So making it unusable seems fair

That means everybody will have to run stun counter next PvP. :joy:

Everyone is already running full stun immune teams anyway :joy:

even in awaken form he be a bench warmer anyway

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Is this normal? I never retrained my Husking yet it’s speed increased to 72% and I got a mythic shard too. I even used him in the Ultimate challenge after that.

this is probably a bug try going to test teams and use him it should say invalid monster

Still works fine.

This bug won’t affect the players who evolved thier Huskie into Husking after the update.

Whaaaat? How come only he gets a free mythic shard for doing nothing. That’s not fair :rage:.