About mythics

So recently (1 week ago) I got Huskie, my first mythic (idk if it is good or bad mon) and today I got another Huskie in a 10 egg pack. So I was wondering if the next 2 mythic eggs are going to be 2 Huskies guaranteed or I just got insane luck (or actually horrible bad luck) getting the same again? It would be great if the next 2 mythic eggs are going to be Huskies bcos if not I guess I won’t be able awake it ever (I don’t buy gems).

Husking is one of the better second form mythics so that’s great. It’s all random unless huskegon is the featured mythic.


It wasn’t even featured! I never got a mythic and in a period of 1 week I got 2 of the same mythics, WOW. I’m very happy to hear that his second form is great!

So wich mythics are not worth to awake bcos of the cost increase?

U don’t know how much that hurts me

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well idk what strats he likes to use so in general it is one of the better ones

Your main start(the one I use) is to switch neternice with husking and then use show of power and then spam timecrush and raw bloodcrave

All are coz mythics are meant to be overpowered but I would say that some of the limited ones are insanely overpowered.

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But I know.
May Bungee Gum bless brother !

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