Tengoku nerf?


Tengoku needs to be nerfed.
I’ve already played 2 or 3 times against people from the top 20 who I would easily defeat if this damn tengoku didn’t have the ability to use the skill multiple times that allows it to clone a monster.
It’s so miserable that you put them in the midgame and after you’ve stolen the monster, call rocks in the endgame to continue stealing and stunning for ages.

I would like her to not be allowed to use the skill again after using it once

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No nerf needed, however i can understand why it can be problematic for someone running S tier spam :new_moon_with_face:


She is fine, you are just mad because your Carmilla got stolen. Just run some stun counters and she is more of a liability than the issue.

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Mate, this is not a bug but a nerf discussion so I made a topic out of it.

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This is a non topic to be truly honest.


007 would be disappointed

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I agree, people aren’t seeing the potential threat because she’s owned by a very small number of people. Just wait till her next banner.


she is good but not nerfworthy (petition to make that a word).

use a Stealthbane or a stun killer. get a grip. lol

2nd ign from the top of the battle log is a true story!

Anyway tengoku isn’t even S tier. I probably wouldn’t give it S- tier either. It’s just somewhat strong now because players are running way less stun protection after the stun nerf.

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@Dev_VKC zomboid is really dumb , reviving in line , every game it’s reviving 4-6 times , it’s a game of 16 slots but how many games I lost because of that , I’m wasting moves energy times just so that 2star monsters decides the issue of the game , at least make him revives next in line

Put zomboid on your team as well and stop crying. P.S. wrong thread.


common @Dev_VKC W

Actually it’s time to run more stun protections like never , because a lot start to think that people run less stun protections so they use stun especially in endgame , I lost 3-4 games due to stun doomgoo endgame , I made my stun protection better and got 13 ws

Buff ophi

Vkcleftmebroken :pensive:




I remember someone named Voidress had a similar ability and it was nerfed, even though he could only do it once. Now this thing comes and she steals all the ones she wants from you. I don’t think it’s fair, this should be limited to once per battle.

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I really want Tenguko for a stealth break team. It would make it so much better :partying_face:

Yes buff ophi💪