Ten Crowns

I finally reached my goal of ten crowns, and I wanted to thank those of you who have shared strategies and ideas over all that time.  I started out early tournaments with a poison team, then moved to a knock-back/disruption team, and finally changed to a sleep team (very reluctantly, due to not having Goldtail, Polareon, or Wraithcaptain).  I never got to try the Atra/Nebel team since I don’t have Atrahasis.

In a couple of tournaments, I was in danger of falling out of the top 50, but without fail, someone on the boards shared a discovery or a new idea that sparked a new team strategy.

I started playing Neo Monsters a few weeks after launch after coming over from Hunter Island (and before that Dragon Island Blue), and I’m always amazed at the strategic creativity that real, live players bring to a game versus any AI I’ve ever played against.  I’m blown away (sometimes literally!) by some of the synergy I see in your teams.

Thanks again for helping me get to my self-imposed finish line.

congrats! waiting for my first… :smiley:

I thought Mophiese is the only one with 10 crows, congrats. Also I’m coming slowly

Congrats man, not bad!

Congrats buddy - I’m currently sitting on 5 but haven’t got one in a while!  Would love to hear who your MVPs are in your sleep team without Goldtail/Polareon! 

Congrats man, since i’m at least having polareon but also missing goldtail and wraithcaptain i’d also be interested how you build your sleep team :slight_smile:


I’ve only got 8.

Still stings being 51 on the first Blitzdragon event

I’ve only got one :sob::sob:

Congrats!! Thats definitely not easy to do!! 10 crowns! thats just insane.

Can you get crowns at the island challenge?


which is the challenging thing you face ?.And congrats

Congrats :) 

Congrats lyffe.