Survival of the Fittest 2.0 Emberdon instead of Emberhoof ??

So I just noticed, that I actually didn’t get my Emberhoof, when I cleared fight 40… I didn’t pay much attention to the rewards and just accidentally discovered it now, because my Searguard is still +0 and it now should be +1 (I already had a Searguard before this event)
Instead I found a completely untrained Emberdon, which will later evolve into Emberzard in its final form.
I did not open any eggs and I also checked Island Challenge rewards, I could not have gotten the Emberdon from there.
Basically, I don’t care much about it, because I already had Searguard and I can use potions to get him higher and I didn’t have the Emberzard evolution line, yet, so this reward is actually pretty okay for me. 
However, I would like to know, whether or not something like this happened to any of you, too? If there is already a topic about this, then I didn’t find it at least.

Hawpoened the same thing to me on previous IC instead of a epic tk they gave me a epic auto protector…i got the epic tk later on mailbox

Did you report it or did they realize their mistake on their own? 

I said something on forum then they probably saw their mistake and gave me the correct reward monster

Yeah, last IC I never did get Velopup. Must’ve gotten a dupe of something else, because there weren’t any new monsters in my list.

I didn`t get it ether… I had 38 Victories and then the game crashed. As I started it up again and came back to the survival of the fittest 2.0 I suddenly had 44 victories and did not get the rewards… It is really upsetting because I really want that emberhoof…

I am sorry for trouble, Badrique. Please contact our support team, they will make sure send you the rewards you deserve.

I contacted support and got my Emberhoof :slight_smile:
Have a nice day everybody :wink:

Problem solved