Struggling on super challenge battle - extreme

Hey guys,

Really struggling with this one. Can i get some advice?

Thanks guys!

I always struggle with the extreme! It’s so frustrating! I can do the other two levels, but it feels like my team becomes completely inadequate.

I might put auto poison earlier for this one and try to keep him alive. I don’t know if that will help though it was a recommendation vs tenebris though.

Honestly Spamming GTs with a sweeper can typically get you through it. Maybe run phantomaiden/GT/armavolt/TT into serapheon/AP,GT,AP,GT, into stun endgame. This would never work in pvp but I think it’d work for SCB

Z19 GaryOak

I was able to defeat the remaining 7 monsters with attached incomplete team.
You don’t have zib, so replace zib with flameroar.

At the beginning of the battle, stun flash, knock back geo, cannibalizes knock backer, following stun lock.
After stun locking, you can use timestrike with chrono, 400sec megabomb and megablast.
Of course, you have to kill auro first before sweeping.
After sweeping, you can continue to sweep with bloodthirst or double survivor.
Remained enemies is all weak to stun, you should put some stun monsters and GT/TT after chrono.

I hope this helps you!

Edit: Oh, this was posted on July 30, so he wanted to ask about last SCB.
I’m sorry for misunderstanding.

Quick question, can deathgazer one shot all se protector using the poison massacre??? .How is he in battles?? Just got him.

It is a struggle with the bull cra specialit programming to f’in always work death revenge against you. The dev’s are a holes. Just about to call it quits since new legend’s dominate. Ripoff game.

Is that like a giant, hairy okra?

You never notice when the death revenge doesn’t work against you. Only when it does.

Don’t let your emotions get the better of you.