Stealth remove

@Dev_BRD and @Dev_VKC, why does purify all removes stealth from enemies and toxic bomb from maggtpid does Not ?
Purify all removes stealth… It doesnt purify, and maggatoids toxic bomb cant kill Monsters which re Not poisoned… But it doesnt remove stealth, can u please explain it?

Stealth is a magic spell that conceals your physical form in dark magic , much more like invisibility … Disenchant : Purification removes all sorts of dark magic concealments aka stealth !

Blight bomb on other hand , cannot alter the effects of any dark invisibilities since the caster doesnot have a visible target to cast the spell upon.

So next time , use the super mythic Angelion to remove any stealth , sleep , stun or poison.

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Blight bomb only hits the monsters which are poisoned. It doesn’t target everything on the field, unlike purify all.

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Blight Bomb only targets monsters that are poisoned, so it doesn’t remove stealth as the monster isn’t technically targeted. The “Miss” is displayed in this case to indicate that it wasn’t targeted by the move in the first place.

This can also be seen with Morphean Bomb. If you sleep 2 enemies and the enemy team all are stealthed, using Morphean Bomb will remove stealth from the 2 sleeping enemies, but the 2 awake enemies will not be targeted, and will therefore still be stealthed.

Hope that clears things up :slight_smile:

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I said the very same thing but in wizard language !


lol no way jose