Why are there so many random Spam messages in the, Recent forums options
Active spammers. Doing my best to clean them up quickly.
Can I somehow help, cause it seems like theres a lot.
This is probably not applicable for html, as I use Java and C++… but couldn’t you have a code where the post or forum gets rejected if more than 10 words don’t make sense, or typed more than 20 character long. As all of the spamming is nonsense with no spaces.
Don’t know how complicated that would be. You would have to define “nonsense” pretty rigorously. I don’t know that html could handle it though.
Oh yes, if you see spam, please report it! I get notifications about spam threads occasionally but, ironically, my email files the notification into the spam folder based on the title alone so I miss it.
I honestly have no idea what the spam itself is trying advertise at this point, lol.
Random wicca stuff. It’s all garbage.