Server down !!!!!

I’m married…lol, and try to do everything in the game except all of the biweekly rubbish rewards PvP alone did my head in. Almost 500 freaken battles. Will never do that again especially with the craptacular rewards for VP.

Still though 2 accounts, the idea is insane to me. Glad u can pull it off.

I once used 2 accounts,
Brought both accounts in top 50 PvP :upside_down_face:
2 months ago.
It’s the worse thing coz you are literally drained out to do anything else

I got close to that with one account. I was dreaming of Neomonsters and having PvP battles in my mind. That was last PvP…I could have sworn I seen a few monsters from the game in real life🤣 I look up in the sky and see Lion flying around.

I also had dreams of getting good egg hatches.:joy: Then I woke up. It was consuming

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We’re all dreaming of hatching good stuff but reality is dupe.

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Servers still not stable? I just got my 1st win, but after tapping the screen when the victory sign came, i got disconnected from the server and when I came back, my win was not recorded, seriously? Fix servers before launching pvp pls

That is annoying

Fix servers plsScreenshot_2018-11-01-15-44-58

No matchmaking in PvP possible. Always get a time out while matching

Nah error2 just means you so powerful the game can’t handle your team

@Dev_VKC @Dev_BRD i think the community would rather you fix the servers instead of release a new egg.

1 hour for searching a oponnent…lol…welcome to Neo Monsters

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Welcome to neo mosters, dont remenber to roll the new egg guys servers will be fine in about 10 years dont worry

Waiting 10’ for pvp and can’t connect to match

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Y’all should immediately send your device and region details to devs, it will help them to fix servers.

A Public service message from RAF StarLord

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When finding opponent
Waiting Waiting Waiting Server down

When trying to farm material
Loading loading loading Server down
Loses tickets

When hatching eggs
Loading loading loading Server down
Lose my damn gems
What is going on…


Always the same…


I thought the potato servers would only last for halloween to scare us from the game…

We are currently investigating the issue again, and hope to have it sorted soon.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

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The point is that before, the pay to play players had bad servers before they changed it to free game.
Now they added tons of free users and the servers are even worse. And its pretty obvious that they added free users bc they want them to soend money on gem packs, theyre mindset is greedy and its annoying that they keep saying they will fix the servers but instead they add more problems with heavy server lod from newer peeps

Disagree with this, what if I leave and come back and my account is gone?