Summary: normally only 1% of the players will win, but if you have never won in that Season (usually 10 weeks per Season) you just need to finish in the top 10%. This way people who don’t win get better odds of winning as time goes by.
1). We will keep a list of every player that has won a grand prize in a mission
2). The list will be wiped out every 10 weeks (number may change based on feedback). We will refer to this period as a Season.
3) If you have NOT won a grand prize through finishing in the top during a Season, then you are placed in pool A.
4) If you have won a grand prize through finishing in the top during a Season, then you are immediately placed in pool B.
5) For players in pool A, the number of grand prizes awarded in each mission will equal to 10% of the people who completed (everyone in both pools who got to the end including the people who lost) the prior week’s mission .
6) For players in pool B, the number of grand prizes awarded in each mission will equal to 1% of the people who completed (everyone in both pools who got to the end including the people who lost) the prior week’s mission.
Hm that’s clever. So there’s no way I’ll be able to get Copperhorn because there won’t be any eggs. This is how dev’s are planning to combat egg timing it seems, oh well I guess I’ll have to wait until the season is over.
That is annoying, what do you think I should use the grade booster it on, Germknight (A) or Termoback (A)? Germknigth is better in PvP but a high rank Tremorback is harder to get…
Neither honestly. I guess Tremorback since Gremknight is pretty easy to get an S version. But Tremoback is really awful PVP wise. You have any other choices?
I guess I can use it on Angelon(C), but using it on something not (A) rank seems lika a waste, maybe I should skip this OM for now and try to get a good and rare ark (A) rank during the week, a rank booster might be worth more than a chans to get a goldenhorn(I have managed to get the OM reward in 1 out of 4 tries, in the 1% pool)
Use Booster on an ark with very good offensive stats IMO to make the most of the bonus AP. In PVP it won’t matter 'cause it will be limited anyway so Angelon is fine…
I remember when I had C Raptorex which I caught when I just started playing the game and kept him all the way to the end. After I finished I started spinning eggs and eventually got B Raptorex. I was so overjoyed to finally have one of my favourite arks higher rank I considered it like a rank boost!
But yeah, the best advice I can give you is since you’re not an egg timer and timing will be gone soon anyway that you should use it on arks that you really like or like kept from the beginning and are attached to. Actually, the first and only rank boost I used was on my starter to get him to S grade. I don’t regret it at all, and he’s still with me because I refused to fuse him.