SE sleepers

there are only 4 SE sleepers with single sleep move
I think devs should remove sleep all and let hem with single sleep i rarely saw anyone with ultra evolved cus sleep all is not great at all…
They could benefict with better stats and is weaknesses still there
I dont think they will be op sleep tu is 130sec.
This way devs could let averyone have is chance in some events and made is more fun

That sounds good, although I don’t think the devs are interesting in changing up the regular wheel monsters… damn shame, because 80% of them are worthless.

Assisted sleepers are more or less useless tbh. -_-

Thats true lol i would love to see the dual death sentence guys ultra evolved with single sleep move at least they are decent

Dual Sleep is better with low TU. :slight_smile:

would help me alot to make them dual sleep with a small tu

currently have emeraldus,stormloch,se protector and cant find the 4th monster to use with them

to try playing sleep lock in PVE 

anyone got any ideas what i can put there?

How about a 1 on 1 monster? Protect teammates, 1 on 1, then enemy hits se protector and then se protector purifies and your loch can give a sleep lock. :slight_smile:

Thats sound awesome but probably devs wont do that i believe ulta evolv the mosters is a most in this game but those monsters get worst when ultra evolved and that should not happen…
Please devs give us single sleep for DDS monsters in is ultra evolved form

you’ll need something with a low Tu move like dramega to break a sleep to re sleep them, either that or run balancion he’s great for bringing your protector out of hold ground if you do end up messing up the lock.
at least that’s what I run and it seems to work out nicely.