
Guys, i want to start fresh. I got this account yesterday but i dont think i deserve this great account. This account is only for those people who want to be on top (who’s nothing like me​:grinning:). So? anyone want to trade their new account with decent amount af legendary to this? Its a strong account. I only want account not exceeding level 50. BTW, this account has a :crown: already.:grinning::grinning::grinning:

For those who uses hack, modified, or illegal neo monster app, Go AWAY!!!:kissing_heart:


I see dat Derpy Dolpheonix… Swiggity Swooty…

I want to trade. I have the best poor team ever! :frowning: But I got… 50 gems! Maybe you will get 10 legendaries at one time! You never know!

The chances of you getting struck by lightning randomly on a clear day are bigger.

Thank you. All my hope for a legendary is gone… forever… :frowning:

That is the chances at 10 legendaries. For 1 in a festival egg 10 in 1 the chances are about 45%.

Don’t give up! I have 17 legendaries and haven’t spent money.

I have 5 legendaries and didn’t spend also, don’t lose hope. :slight_smile:

My second account have goldtail,penguini,risky healer,cosmo do you want that

I have a friend that just got 5 legendaries in a row. 2 of which came from real money.