Buy my account?

So I currently have no time to play and my file which I worked so hard on is going to waste. I’ll attach thumbnails of my account. I’ve put a little money into, and a lot of time. Hero rank 92. Several legendaries and a few duplicate legendaries: Shadowhunter, Rexo, Aegis, Ziberus, Atrahasis, Sanctillion, Godfrather, Dragaia, Celestion. Several super epics (26) and loads of epics as well, (55) numbers do not include dups. Message me, set something up through PayPal. I regularly finish top 100 in events with the current roster. Probably could go higher with more involved effort. NOT a hacked or cheated account in anyway.

Why would you want to sell that account it’s awesome

How much do you want for it? I’m probably not interested, but I’m curious what people think their account is worth.

Did you even read the post lol he has no time

Wonder how much he wants for it?!?

Not sure, best offer will take it whatever that is.

Another option would to let someone borrow it for a while(someone you trust to give it back). Then when you have time you can ask for it back.

Hes so lucky with that monster, last time a roll i got an epic dupe :joy:

£30 :joy::joy: haha. Joke.

I’d say around $150 is a starting point but that’s just a number I’m throwing out I’ll accept any reasonable offer

Someone sold his 14-legendary account for $75 last year, and festival egg was never released at that time. But yes, best offer will take it whatever it is. Good luck.

Edit: after checking, it is $75 for 14 legends.

$150 wow youre so lucky bro, can you give me some tips at rolling egg.
Im so desperate here :joy:

I’m just gonna say don’t buy it. I don’t have anything against you personally, but the last person I heard of buying an account was scruffy, and if you don’t know how that turned out well let’s just say he’s now using Althouse’s alt account.

That’s understandable, we can go through admins if anyone is interested I don’t want anyone feeling at risk and I want to make sure it will all work in the end

Then that’s good news for scruffy. :P  Althouse did get a lot of good stuff in his accounts.

Basing my math off time and spins, and emotional connection. I’ve spun the wheel probably 120+ times. The biggest and most discounted gem pack you can buy is $80 for 150 gems, but I’ve used close to 600 gems or more which is 4x that. Plus months of playing time. It’s ip to others what they think it’s worth of course and I’m not fixed on that amount.

The guy who sold his account for $80 had spent over $1400.

It is really hard to trade a mobile game account in a decent price. If I were you, I would keep my accounts since I’ve spent a lot.

No I get that. (He kinda got shafted on the wheel>.<) my thing is if I can get a hundred plus for it I could part with it. Now, say someone is starting a new account and are thinking a bout spending a couple hundred on gems, perhaps they would rather buy an account where they know they are getting good monsters. It depends on the game though, like I sold 3 accounts on game of war which I spent nothing on for nearly $1,100 which was insane. I didn’t expect that here at all. This is merely an opportunity for new players or old players that want an alt or to restart. The guy that spent 1,400 could have saved a ton, and the guy that spent 80 did save a ton. And if I was starting and his account was for sale I would’ve bought it for a couple hundred easy. Just depends on who’s looking ya know

I used to play a game called rage of bahamut , I sold my account for around £1500, I probably could have got a lot more if I’d done it a couple of months earlier and that’s a lot more than I ever spent on it.

ons thing you should think is does this game have an end use agreement license

my names snuffy btw <3 and yeah as I said in a different post don’t trade / buy accounts it’s a bad idea, you get hacked accounts and you can’t play online with the hacked monsters so I wouldn’t risk it

he gave me an account with a don, I also rolled a kami on it though so it’s not bad