We have good news and bad news. The good news is that we were finally able to recreate the bug, but the bad news is that there isn’t any useful error information from the error log.
It seems this issue only occurs on certain devices and is very likely related to device memory. Whoever’s encountered this issue, could you please provide us with the following information?
What phone do you use?
OS version
Roughly how many monsters you own
The year you started your account
You can also send me this information via private message.
@Killerdog How often does this issue occur on your Android device?
If it happens very often, could you go to the Team Edit panel and alternately tap two monster icons at the bottom rapidly for about 1, 2 minutes to see if the game freezes?
We discovered that this action can trigger the bug.
This was my post about it before, back in September. I haven’t had the crash since, but I also have not spent more than 5-10 minutes building a team.
I tried just now recording while doing the clicking between two monsters for 6.5 minutes and it didn’t crash. Maybe I didn’t do it for long enough, or maybe it’s not always happening for me.
While doing the test I found a bug. If I drag the monster but do not move my finger out of the box then when I let go it will select the monster (as expected). However, when I do this for my monster in the furthest left at the bottom then the monster art is not there.
I just edited my last post. The new bug I mentioned is not specifically for Woolala. It’s a bug with the furthest left slot in edit team. I’ve definitely seen this bug for years.
I tried to trigger the freeze+crash for clicking between two monsters. I did it for 10-15 minutes (while watching TV) and couldn’t trigger it.
The reason we asked for your help is that we were unable to recreate this bug on our Android devices.
Your test further supports the possibility that this issue may be exclusive to iOS. It usually takes us about 1-2 minutes to recreate the issue on iOS.
I believe we have found a solution. This bug will be fixed in the next update.
I also recall that some users reported the game becoming extremely laggy when playing too many Bond Quest battles nonstop. While we are not 100% certain yet, this issue may also be resolved together with the solution we found.