real pvp and new event

@Dev_BRD @Dev_VKC

dev please quick give us the real pvp and new event, whale already over!
occult is useless…
i need some gems to open 1 pack!

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Occult is so hard for me. What is the secret reward? Doubt I’ll get it anyway…


ocarino and 4 gems total


Have you done all the First Ones battles, other story events and biweekly missions? They could be places to grab a few extra gems.

After occult then what? Going back as a sitting duck waiting for an event :disappointed_relieved:

After having released this update, we will be more focusing on creating new events, we already have couple projects on the way :wink:


Yessss! Now this I like.

Too hard for my team :persevere:

@Killerdog yes i already finish all the extra gems

@Dev_VKC when is the next event and pvp start dev? can you make it under 4/8/18 thanks

thanks @Dev_VKC for giving us new event and new pvp before 4/8/18 !!
love you man!

Stun immune events are the best :relieved: