Rare Gems - Unlucky Players

Its 3/3 now. Just hatched cosmodragon :slight_smile:

200th day gems and another se gg~~

1/2 Now, just got Esap :frowning:

3/5 got kamishogun

I think it should be 3/6…

Lol right my bad :smiley:


3/18 now. :angry:

Im like 4/10, 2 are dupes :'v

Wolverine and professor x die in logan.

WTF??? Vegi ???



I was planning on watching Logan. Tnx for spoilers :wink:

why u do dis :cry:


Why post spoilers? Sigh

Did IC rare egg. Got nightlord dupe.

Damn veggie tsk(face palm)

Last 2 were dupes. Go figure.

still lucky in rare gems result…  :slight_smile:

Cause im evil