Random Things....

Excellent your improvement! I think that increase in difficulty would be very fair. :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:

Try to do uc without atras and aurora and with limited DR monsters and no goldtail. Quite fine :joy:

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There are a few other cheeky monsters like Bovolcus, Blazebones and Simuronix which do some powerful things with health.

Garcia’s events are the best ones in this game, how dare you peasants speak negatively on Garcia.

I am sure they were talking about okkult and not about Garcia. Garcia is grinding at its finest together with the Wales event

Some good suggestions. I must admit though I really enjoy island challenge. The one where we draft teams. I don’t want that event changed.

For those that want UC to be harder. Well I hope it’s only for the 2001+ levels. It’s already very hard for me and the vast majority of players. I mean if I had Nebel, Cosmo, Auro, Goldtail I wouldn’t complain:)


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I really hope the update fixes the issues just saying

Garcia can suck it.

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Take away the N from Neo.
Now replace it with the G from God.
Geo is the god of neo

Neo is a grinding game if you didn’t notice yet. Monster battles, monsters battles, monster battles… Oh, little story here? Monster battle. It’s the essence of the game and it will most probably never change. This game is a grinding game.

Hopefully Evertale will be battles integrated to a RPG. It seems more like that

Every game is a griding game after you finished all there is to finish. All you do after you finish the game is grind for better monsters that you dont need (and in other games for better gear).

Once you beat every event, the game becomes easy. There isnt much challenge and all you left to do is griding. Thats why most vets like pvp the most, its the only challenge we have left.

But overall neo is the most stratigic game i have ever played. So i wouldnt call it a grinding game, and you dont even grins for gear, runes or whatever other game eant you to grind for

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That’s why I challenge myself by handicapping myself so bad that the event becomes hard again


I’m too lazy to reach 150 pvp wins and finish dungeon :sleeping:

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I tried it… it’s exactly same as Pokemon with much more $ … Neo monster game is better than it with strategies… There is so much potential in NM but I don’t know why devs refuse to explore it…

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Most of us would really like a limited explore section in NM… and I highly doubt if that will ever happen since evertale provides that …

They could as well provide more events with shorter duration but keep monthly gems same… I wouldn’t mind getting lesser gems for more events…

I tried that. Was fun the first 20 mins and from there it’s just rinse and repeat

@Dev_VKC you should sue their ■■■ for copying Skyther’s design

So, someone just deleted my comment?
And ive got no reason for that as it just vanished.

@mods can someone explain why it was deleted??

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