Questions regarding a possible sequel game to Neo Monsters

Hey guys. Yesterday I was starting to think about when the next Neo monsters sequel game is going to be released. I looked at their previous games and checked the release dates and they seem to come out every two years somewhere around the fall. I also looked at when Neo monsters was first announced and how long it took until it actually was released and it looked around being revealed in July and coming out in October I think. With these patterns from their previous games I was wondering if anyone else had a confirmation on a next game or had any ideas one new game and when that might be released

Nothing has been said about a new game

There is no more new games in the hunter island saga Neo was the last one
And all focus is going into this game

Happy to hear this!

As far as I know there are no plans for a new game, this one has been successful enough to continue.

Since OP question has been answered I’ll lock this